How to Optimize Your FiveM Scripts

In this article, we'll explore methods to optimize your FiveM scripts for better performance and efficiency. We will also discuss some of the most common performace pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Reducing Native Calls

When using FiveM natives you should consider the following:

  • Natives are quite slow, plain lua will always be faster
  • Always cache the result of a native call where possible
Unoptimized Code
for k,v in pairs(something) do
   local ped = PlayerPedId()
   -- do something with ped
Optimized Code
local ped = PlayerPedId()
for k,v in pairs(something) do
   -- do something with ped

In the unoptimized code, PlayerPedId() is called every iteration of the loop. By storing the result of PlayerPedId() in a variable before the loop, you reduce the number of native calls, which enhances performance.

Using PlayerPedId()

Many scripts use GetPlayerPed(-1). However, PlayerPedId() serves the same purpose but is less costly in terms of performance.

local ped = PlayerPedId()

PlayerPedId() is more efficient than GetPlayerPed(-1). Always prefer using PlayerPedId() to reduce unnecessary performance overhead.

Improving Distance Checks

When checking a player's distance from a point, using Lua's vector mathematics is more efficient than native functions like Vdist, Vdist2, or GetDistanceBetweenCoords.

Unoptimized Code
local distance = Vdist(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, point.x, point.y, point.z)
Optimized Code
local pos1 = vector3(0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
local pos2 = vector3(0.0, 10.0, 10.0)
local dist = #(pos1 - pos2) -- Subtract the vectors and return the distance with #

Lua's built-in vector operations are more efficient and can reduce script execution time compared to the native distance functions.

Adjusting Wait() in Loops

Not all loops need to run every frame. Increasing the delay between iterations using Wait() can greatly improve performance. It's also beneficial to separate loops based on their frequency of execution. It might also be benificial to split up loops to make them more efficient.

Unoptimized Code
    while true do 
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
        local dist = #(markerCoords - coords) -- markerCoords should be vec3
        if dist < 50.0 then -- Don't draw marker if far away
            DrawMarker(someplace, markerRadius)
            if dist < markerRadius then -- If inside the marker, do some stuff, like show a menu etc.
                -- do something
        Wait(0) -- Wait until next frame
Optimized Code
local markerInRange = false

-- Thread to check distance
    while true do 
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
        local dist = #(markerCoords - coords)  -- markerCoords should be vec3
        if dist < 50.0 then
            markerInRange = true
            if dist < markerRadius then -- If inside the marker, do some stuff, like show a menu etc.
                -- do something
            markerInRange = false
        Wait(500) -- Run this loop every 500 milliseconds

-- Thread to draw the marker
    while true do 
        if markerInRange then
            DrawMarker(someplace, markerRadius)
            Wait(0) -- Run every frame when marker is in range
            Wait(500) -- Run this loop every 500 milliseconds when marker is out of range

By separating the distance check from the marker drawing and adjusting the wait times appropriately, you can significantly reduce the load on your script, resulting in smoother performance. The distance check only needs to run twice per second, while the drawing function should run every frame when the marker is in range.


Implementing these optimizations will help you create more efficient and performant FiveM scripts. Reducing native calls, using efficient distance checks, and properly managing loop intervals are key practices for script optimization. By following these techniques, you can enhance the gameplay experience by reducing latency and improving overall performance.

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